But back to salaries. I rely heavily on the data from the Engineering Career Services at UW-Madison. This is a good estimate of the pay you can expect at a decent school.
MS Level Salaries
PhD Level Salaries
Location, location, location
One big fudge factor... salaries are heavily dependent on the location of the job. For instance places with high-living expenses like California, Massachusetts or New York states have higher absolute pay. Many other states have lower pay. A tool to compare salaries by location is located here. Based on the above data an average MS in ECE makes around $70,000 and an average PhD makes around $95,000 in 2008.
Other Salary Related Sites
Also if you ever need to compare your pay to your peers in the area, I highly recommend www.payscale.com. It pin-points other people like you with similar experience in a similar company and charts a graph of their pay. I also like the feature where you can run experiments based on certain scenarios... For instance will an MBA improve your package, or will any sort of certification. I also liked this site called www.mydanwei.com which surveys the salaries of the most frequent job profiles in a company.
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